We believe that death should not be a taboo subject. And it should be approached like any other subject in our lives. This means making thought decisions.
Our first product is e-Memory. Along the way, we will introduce new services for you, such as wills or legal consulting.
The concept of e-Memory was born from the realization that most memories fade with time. Try recalling what you were doing 10 years ago. It's a challenge, isn't it? Photos and files are lost and inaccessible when visiting a grave. Not to mention distant acquaintances from other countries; how can they be close to you? This is precisely why we conceived e-Memory – a kind of digital tombstone attached to the physical grave via a QR code. Here, memories remain preserved, and your cherished ones from all corners of the world can stay connected with you.
We are obsessed with providing the best possible experience and are guided by the following values: